2021 November

2021 November

GCRM November 2021 - Lead Them to the Cross

Lead Them to the Cross

As our New Life students, staff and community members knelt on the ground and placed their names on the inside frame of the Cross, it was difficult to not get teary eyed. It was as if they were writing their name in the “Book of Life”. The Cross is significant in our walk with Christ. How often do we visualize the approach to the foot of the Cross as we bring our cares and burdens to the Lord? How often do we approach the Cross asking Jesus for forgiveness, healing, grace and peace? For those signing their names on the interior beams, it will forever be a reminder to them that the significance of the Cross represents the sacrifice of Christ for all and our pathway to salvation.

When people make the decision to attend The Mission, they are dealing with emotional problems – guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, and addiction. Here, they can find healing in the Cross of Christ. As people deal with tragedy or suffering, comfort is found as they contemplate the sufferings of our Savior on the Cross. Jesus is the one who forgives each of us from our sinful lives. Meditating on the Cross produces a heart of overflowing gratitude to the One who bore so much on our behalf. It is no wonder that tears were flowing during the signing (photo on page 3) and installation of The Mission Cross. There IS power in the Cross, power that can only be found in a relationship with the resurrected Christ.