2022 January

2022 January

GCRM January 2022 Cross on Building

Celebrating God's Blessings of 2021

It’s been an exciting year watching God’s many blessings come to life at The Mission. The growth has been exceptional in so many ways, and we are pleased to present this timeline reflecting projects begun, projects completed, milestones celebrated, and the increase in our programs. Throughout the year, God has used YOU, our faithful Gospel Center supporters, to serve the less fortunate through your generous support. I have highlighted below a few of the milestones that warrant expanded stories.

Graduations Continue to Celebrate Changed Lives. In July 2021, to accommodate increased class sizes, we held our first ‘off campus’ graduation at Quail Lakes Baptist Church. Our larger class sizes also increase family attendance, as well as our Gospel Center community friends who come to celebrate with us. Except for the Annual Homecoming & Graduation that is held at The Mission each September, we are now bringing our graduation ceremonies to local community churches. A listing of our 2022 Graduations, Keynote Speakers and Hosts are on page 12.